Journey of the Galactic Egg

Journey of the Galactic Egg

An outdoor rocket-building team adventure


Your teams will be building a ROCKET with an EGG PROTECTION DEVICE that will launch an alien egg into outer space in order to save mankind.                        

You’ve got BIG problems.  Galactic problems. Your team must complete this entire journey without once cracking that oh so special ‘egg’ dropped by a HIGHER INTELLIGENCE into the hands of your team. Of course let’s not forget that the fate of all humanity is in your hands. The Egg in question is filled with some type of extra-terrestrial bio-organic storage goop filled with all the knowledge in this universe and two others. Weighty stuff.  Are you worthy of this challenge? This is a test of several groups by the Higher Intelligence folks who want to pick the team they think is the best. Your journey through several challenges will determine your success.

At the predetermined time all the teams are gathered at the starting line and placed into their first challenge, The Electrified Compound with each group in their own captive area.  Having been given the rules and parameters, the air-horn startles everyone into action. Your team must ESCAPE from the electrified compound. Some do better than others and it is only your first challenge.  Don’t break the Galactic Egg!

Before each challenge, the group is given ten minutes to discuss strategy for the next challenge.

After the Electric Fence teams must now face a series of adventures beginning with the Acid River.  The entire group must cross the Acid River, without falling in.  Accidents resulting in loss of ‘sight’ causing a temporary ‘blindness’ and additional serious consequences, are the norm.  And there is no Scotty to beam you up when danger strikes.

If the Acid River hasn’t frazzled nerves, then the ominous Minefield looms on the horizon.  Teams still recovering from the stress of acid river, some having been temporarily blinded from the acid fumes, must now re-group and negotiate with their galactic egg through the Minefield without use of their eyes..  Some teammates, not allowed in the Minefield, shout directions from outside the no-man’s land littered with ‘explosives’.  Despite nerves of steel some make it and some don’t.

Finally, the last challenge: THE GALACTIC EGG ROCKET.  ET intelligence now says that Mankind may not be ready for this knowledge.  Or is the real knowledge in the journey itself? Your team must build a rocket with an Egg Protection Device (EPD) and send the egg back into space. Sure it could end badly with goop everywhere and all knowledge lost for centuries while we slide into darkness and despair.

Or you could rise to the challenge and reflect the cooperation that humans are capable of evolving into. Your team simply must engineer an egg protection device that will safely secure the galactic egg from harm.  Can the universe count on you? Only time will tell with this exciting fantasy journey into the unknown.